"Love and the Television Set" (later retitled "Love and the Happy Days") was an episode of Love, American Style which aired on ABC-TV on February 25, 1972. Written by Garry Marshall, the segment would later serve as inspiration for Marshall to develop an idea for a new sitcom series based upon the characters from the episode, which would become Happy Days.
The characters introduced in the episode that would later appear in Happy Days were Richie Cunningham, Marion Cunningham, Howard Cunningham, Joanie Cunningham, Potsie Weber, and Chuck Cunningham.
Footage from this episode was repurposed for flashback scenes in the Happy Days episode "Who's Sorry Now," in which Tannis G. Montgomery reprises her role as Arlene Nestrock.
The Cunninghams, an American family in the mid-1950s in Milwaukee, Wiscosin, get their first television. The teenage son Ritchie and his friend Potsie assume it can be used as a chick magnet. This was a forerunner (and a pilot) to the Happy Days series.
- Ron Howard as Richie Cunningham
- Marion Ross as Marion Cunningham
- Anson Williams as Warren "Potsie" Weber
- Harold Gould as Howard Cunningham
- Susan Neher as Joanie Cunningham
- Nellie Burt as Grandma Cunningham
- Ronda Copland as Teresa
- Virginia Gregg as Mrs. Nestrock
- Sheila Jo Guthrie as Corrine Delarosa
- Ric Carrott as Chuck Cunningham
- Jackie Coogan as Uncle Harold
- Peggy Rea as Aunt Bessie
External links[]
- Love, American Style article at Wikipedia