"The Fourth Anniversary Show" (Alternately titled "Richie's Girlfriend Exposes the Cunninghams") is the twenty-third episode of the fifth season of Happy Days, also the 111th overall episode in the series. Co-written by Bob Brunner and Samuro Mitsubi, the episode, directed by Jerry Paris, premiered on ABC-TV on March 23, 1978.
Lori Beth has to write a term paper on the typical, middle-class family, so she interviews each Cunningham family member as well as their friends as clips from past episodes are shown. Fonzie says he'll tell Lori Beth something nobody knows about the Cunninghams.
Lori Beth is assigned to write a report on the average middle-class American family, and interviews various members of the gang about their memories of Richie and his family (which they reveal through clips from past episodes). But Richie is concerned that she is trying to find out about his previous girlfriends.
Did You Know?[]
- Note: Although out of order, this episode was the last episode of the season produced.
- Ron Howard as Richie Cunningham
- Henry Winkler as Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli
- Marion Ross as Marion Cunningham
- Anson Williams as Warren "Potsie" Weber
- Don Most as Ralph Malph
- Erin Moran as Joanie Cunningham
- Al Molinaro as Al Delvecchio
- Scott Baio as Chachi Arcola
- Tom Bosley as Howard Cunningham
Guest starring/Recurring cast[]
- Lynda Goodfriend as Lori Beth Allen
- Talia Balsam as Nancy Croft (in archived footage)
- Tita Bell as Trudy (in archived footage)
- Jane Alice Brandon as Ann Louise Milligan (in archived footage)
- Tom Dever as Officer Porter (in archived footage)
- Tim Dial as David (in archived footage)
- Jack Dodson as Dr. Mickey Malph (in archived footage)
- Cindy Eilbacher as Betty Wilkens (in archived footage)
- Charles Galioto as Angie (in archived footage)
- Virginia Gregg as Mrs. Nestrock (in archived footage)
- Zooey Hall as Herbie (in archived footage)
- Janice Heiden as Cynthia Kiley (in archived footage)
- Diana Hyland as Adrianna Prescott (in archived footage)
- Dave Ketchum as Coach Pelino (in archived footage)
- Richard Kuller as Charlie (in archived footage)
- Dave Madden as Jack Whippett (in archived footage)
- Derrel Maury as Monk (in archived footage)
- Maureen McCormick as Hildie (in archived footage)
- Tannis G. Montgomery as Arlene Nestrock (in archived footage)
- Pat Morita as Matsuo "Arnold" Takahashi (in archived footage)
- Ed Peck as Officer Kirk (in archived footage)
- Jenifer Shaw as Cindy Kendall (in archived footage)
- Laurette Spang as Wendy (in archived footage)
- James Van Patten as Sandy (in archived footage)